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Net Neutrality

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What is Net Neutrality?

Net Neutrality is a term used to refer to the equal treatment of content on the internet. ISPs under net neutrality regulations could not treat certain content differently with higher speeds or better experiences just because the content is from a company that pays them for that privilege or the content is from the ISP itself.

WHY IS Net Neutrality IMPORTANT?

The protection of net neutrality is important because it protects users from ISPs interfering with content. The free and open internet has allowed anyone to give their voice and share it with the world. Without net neutrality, ISPs would be given control over what content should be broadcasted and what should be censured. Net Neutrality gives all content on the internet equal footing which allows anyone and any company to have a web presence without having to worry about ISPs throttling your speeds because your competitor pays them for better treatment.


During the Obama Administration, the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) implemented new rules that strongly protected net neutrality. These new rules were based on Title II of the Communications Act which reclassified ISPs allowing for the FCC to further enforce these rules and protect net neutrality.
Currently, the FCC chairman Ajit Pai, under the Trump Administration, has called for the reversal of the FCC rulings protecting net neutrality. This announcement has brought the future of net neutrality into question.

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YES! This website would benfit with net neutrality. Because of net neutrality this site would have to be treated the same as any other content on the web. The creator of the site also would not have to pay and do the bidding of ISPs in exchange for faster internet speeds or to be allowed to be viewed by their costumers.

In summary this website about NET NEUTRALITY is an example of a benefit of NET NEUTRALITY